Candle Handling

The following are the basics for burning our candles:

Cut wick to ¼” before lighting candle for the first time, and every time thereafter.

After burning candle for approximately 10-20 minutes, blow out the candle and pour out the puddle of melted wax that has formed around the wick. (Pour out the wax by quickly turning the candle upside down over an open trash receptacle.)  Pouring out the wax encourages the formation of the well. The more frequently the wax is poured out, the narrower your well will be. (A narrow well is a good thing!)

The wick must be kept trimmed to approximately ¼” at all times. If allowed to become longer than this, it will have a tendency to curl over sideways, creating an egg-shaped well rather than the preferred round one.  If you do not keep the wick trimmed short, it is possible that you may burn through the side of your candle!  So this is an important step!

Once the well in your candle has reached about 2-3” in depth, stop burning your carved candle and use a clear votive candle as a refill. If colored votives are used, the glowing effect will be diminished.

Never leave your burning candle unattended!